Trusted by the top government organizations and companies in Saudi Arabia
Huge fleet
in one platform
"All shipping services & solutions in only one panel, Improve your business logistic performance by using our features."
100+ shipping companines
Seamless Shipping.
All shipping services & solutions in one panel, Improve your business logistic performance by using our features. Better Uptime replaces a bunch of existing tools. See how our fixed price for unlimited monitors compares with PagerDuty, Pingdom, and
Check out our servicesWHAT WE OFFER
Organize and streamline
your order fulfilment process
vendor_name, service_name
"Estimated Delivery" Wednesday, April 26
Saving 100.00 SAR
1000 SAR
vendor_name, service_name
"Estimated Delivery" Wednesday, April 26
Saving 100.00 SAR
1000 SAR
vendor_name, service_name
"Estimated Delivery" Wednesday, April 26
Saving 100.00 SAR
1000 SAR
Affordable, Seamless Shipping.
All shipping services & solutions in one panel, Improve your business logistic performance by using our features. Better Uptime replaces a bunch of existing tools. See how our fixed price for unlimited monitors compares with PagerDuty, Pingdom, and
We allow Retailers and eCommerce Brands to take control over their delivery operations, enhance their customer experience, and increase.
Title Another title
Organize and streamline
order fulfilment process
eCommerce Automation
All shipping services & solutions in one panel, Improve your business logistic performance by using our features. Better Uptime replaces a bunch of existing tools.
Inventory Control
All shipping services & solutions in one panel, Improve your business logistic performance by using our features. Better Uptime replaces a bunch of existing tools.
Order Management
All shipping services & solutions in one panel, Improve your business logistic performance by using our features. Better Uptime replaces a bunch of existing tools.
Shipping Management
All shipping services & solutions in one panel, Improve your business logistic performance by using our features. Better Uptime replaces a bunch of existing tools.
Manufacturing Management
All shipping services & solutions in one panel, Improve your business logistic performance by using our features. Better Uptime replaces a bunch of existing tools.
Purchase Management
All shipping services & solutions in one panel, Improve your business logistic performance by using our features. Better Uptime replaces a bunch of existing tools.
We are a Growing Community
Shipper On Boarded Through Network
Freight Forwarders
Freight Procured/Mo.
3rd Party Logistics Companies
Our Customers Love Boox

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vulputate efficitur fermentum. Proin at dictum nibh. Sed aliquet id velit non facilisis. Curabitur tempor tempor felis ut mollis. Integer iaculis erat sed tortor eleifend gravida. Nulla facilisi. Donec convallis mattis sem quis fringilla. Vivamus tempus erat ut sapien pretium porta in dapibus enim. Mauris sapien sapien, facilisis at aliquam vitae, consequat at tellus. Sed scelerisque est erat, sit amet semper sapien tincidunt at. Donec lacinia”
Jenifer Lorrence
Co-founder, Nahdi
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Useful tips for winning the talent war as a startup

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Useful tips for winning the talent war as a startup

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Useful tips for winning the talent war as a startup