Refund and cashout policy

Compensation,Refund and cashout policy

  • All claims due to delay, damage, wrong delivery, and losses resulting from the delay must be submitted to Boox Group For Logistics and Solutions    via a complaint via Boox Group For Logistics and Solutions   ’s official email or submitting a report via WhatsApp within 48 hours of the date specified for delivery of the shipment, otherwise the customer will lose his right to claim. .
  • In the event of a claim that the shipment was received with hidden damage or deficiency that was not discovered at the time of delivery, the store must notify Boox Group For Logistics and Solutions    as soon as possible after discovering the damage or deficiency within a period of time not exceeding 24 hours after the time of delivery.
  • Transport companies, at their own discretion, open and inspect any shipment at any time without notifying the customer or the store. Likewise, government authorities may open and inspect any shipment at any time without any responsibility to the Boox Group For Logistics and Solutions .
  • In the event that any shipment is opened for inspection or in any emergency situation, the carrier companies will not be responsible for repackaging.
  • Carriers are not responsible for shipments that are inherently breakable unless the packaging or insurance option is activated on the shipment from the service provider.
  • Transport companies are not responsible for shipments that may be damaged due to certain preservation degrees, a specific period of time, or poor packaging of the product by the store.
  • The right to compensation is the sender of the shipment. In the event that the sender wishes to waive compensation, the Boox Group For Logistics and Solutions    will be officially informed
  • If the company notices that some customers are misusing the compensation policy, the company has the right to stop dealing with the store, not pay them any compensation, and take the necessary legal measures against them.
  • The customer does not have the right to request compensation in the event of damage or loss of the shipment due to the shipment not being packaged in a manner appropriate to the nature of the shipment and the company’s methods of transportation or the absence of a bill of lading on the order.
  • The customer or the store does not have the right to request that the delivery of any shipment be postponed for more than 7 days for a reason related to the store or the customer. If it is postponed for more than that, it will be returned to the store and the store will be charged the entire shipment expenses.
  • In the event that there is a problem with the customer’s data that hinders the delivery of the shipment, such as (lack of a clear address, an error in the number, the customer’s non-response, or a change in the neighborhood address) caused by the store or the customer, the shipment will be returned to the store and the store will bear the return costs.
  • In the event that the carrier company is unable to return the returns to the store within a maximum period of 15 working days from the first contact with the store for reasons related to it, the company’s responsibility for preserving the returns ends permanently, and the customer does not have the right to request a refund or return of the shipments, or to claim their value, and the company also has the right The carrier disposes of it by destroying it, donating it, selling it, or disposing of it with its own knowledge, and the company has the right to demand from the store the costs of storage, space, and shipping.
  • The carrier company is not responsible for delaying the delivery of shipments or their damage if they are due to reasons beyond its control or scope of control, natural disasters, force majeure circumstances, and the like.
  • If the carrier company deems that the shipment is susceptible to damage due to poor packaging from the store, the company has the right to return it to the store, or the shipment will be packed without returning or informing the store, and the packaging fees will be charged to the store.
  • The carrier company has the right to return the shipment to the store and not ship it for any reason
  • The compensation shall be at the maximum limit of the compensation ceiling or the price of the shipment, whichever is lower, and the store has no right to demand otherwise
  • If compensation is approved, Boox Group For Logistics and Solutions  must be given 14 working days to return the amount to the customer’s account by submitting a cashout request to the customer service employee.
  • In the event that the appointment is canceled or the shipment is delivered to the branch, the customer will not be reimbursed for the door-to-door pickup fees that he paid when creating the order
  • The calculation on the site is a tool for assistance only and is not taken into account in calculations.
  •  If the customer agrees to pay, he agrees to the agreed upon value and any additional amounts issued before or after delivery of the shipment.

سياسة التعويضات والاسترداد والسحب

  • في حال حدوث أي ضرر او تلف أو فقد في الشحنة من قبل الشركة الناقلة يجب على العميل رفع الشكوى مجموعة بوكس للحلول و الخدمات اللوجستية  في خلال ٤٨ ساعة من تاريخ توصيل الشحنة وارفاق جميع الصور والدلالات على هذا الضرر حتى لا يفقد الحق في تقديم هذه الشكوى.
  • قد يتم رفض التعويض للحالات السابقة من قبل الشركة الناقلة في حال عدم اختيار التأمين المسبق على الشحنة. 
  • يمكن للشركة الناقلة أو الجهات الحكومية الجمركية بتفتيش لشحنة في حال الاشتباه بوجود أي من ممنوعات الشحن وهذا خارج مسؤولية مجموعة بوكس للحلول و الخدمات اللوجستية  تماما. كما أن الشركة الناقلة غير مسؤولة عن تعويض أي تلف للمنتجات القابلة للكسر والتي لم يتم تغليفها من قبل العميل بالشكل المناسب.
  • في حال ملاحظة الشركة سوء استغلال بعض العملاء لسياسة التعويض يحق للشركة ايقاف التعامل مع العميل وعدم دفع أي تعويض لهم واتخاذ الإجراءات القانونية اللازمة حيالهم.
  • لا يحق للعميل أو المتجر أن يطلب تأجيل تسليم أي شحنة لأي سبب و في حالة تأجيلها يمكن اتخاذ قرار إعادتها إلى المرسل من قبل الشركة الناقلة وسيتم تحميل العميل رسوم ارجاع الشحنة.
  • في حالة اتخاذ قرار إرجاع الشحنة للمرسل بسبب وجود خطأ في بيانات العميل تعوق في تسليم الشحنة مثل (عدم وجود عنوان واضح او خطا بالرقم او عدم تجاوب العميل أو تغيير عنوان الحي) يتم مطالبة العميل برسوم الإرجاع.
  •  في حال ارجاع الشحنة من قبل الشركة الناقلة بسبب وجود أي من الممنوعات من الشحن يتم خصم 15٪ .من إجمالي قيمة فاتورة الطلب
  • في حال قرار الشرك الناقلة أن الشحنة قابلة للتلف بسبب سوء تغليف من العميل يحق للشركة الناقلة إرجاعها للمرسل أو اعادة تغليف الشحنة دون الرجوع او ابلاغ العميل. وفي حال صدور أي رسوم اعادة التغليف او الاسترجاع يتم سدادها بالكامل من قبل العميل.
  • يحق للشركة الناقلة ارجاع الشحنة للمرسل وعدم شحنها لأي سبب من الأسباب.
  • التعويض يكون بناء على المبالغ المذكورة في الفاتورة التجارية المرفقة مع بوليصة الشحن ومسؤولية تحديد القيم المذكورة للعميل.
  • في حالة الموافقة على التعويض من قبل الشركة الناقلة يجب إمهال مجموعة بوكس للحلول و الخدمات اللوجستية  للتجارة مهلة 14 يوم عمل لإعادة المبلغ لحساب العميل.
  •  إذا وافق العميل على سداد رسوم الشحن فإنه يوافق على القيمة المتفق عليها وأي مبالغ اضافية قد تصدر قبل او بعد تسليم الشحنة.

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8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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